Welcome to the Drouin History Group.
Members of the Drouin History Group are people interested in local history. Our volunteers collect, document, research, preserve and exhibit items that reflect life in Drouin and surrounding Districts. We aim to encourage peoples’ interest in the development of the Drouin area, preserving artifacts and sharing knowledge of the past. Working to establish a museum for the people of the area.
We have partnered with Radio 3BBR FM, Committee for Drouin, and Drouin and District Community Bank on the Stories of Drouin project. Stories of local people and organizations have been recorded and you can listen to them on the Stories of Drouin website.
We welcome Community support to improve and increase the Historical Collection of Drouin and surrounding districts. To volunteer, or become a member please get in touch with our Honorary Secretary.
DROUIN HISTORY GROUP INC. at the Drouin Library Meeting Room
open for:-
- Research and Information
- Exhibits of photographs and items in Display Room during Library hours
- Drouin History books for sale
- Presentations of local history are welcome by arrangement
Tuesdays 2-4 pm. Or by arrangement
General Meetings and History Presentations: Third Thursday of the month, 7.30 pm.
At the Drouin Library Meeting Room